Welcome to CEOS!
The easy way to order all of your needed Curium Pharma products online!
How does CEOS work?
Customers may either be completely new to CEOS, already have an account or have an authenticated account.
Customers who are completely new to CEOS may hit the “My account” button where you can register for an account.
To use CEOS you have to become authenticated. The process is simple. First, head to “My account” and then “Customer information”. Fill in all the necessary information and then head back to “Dashboard” in “My account”. At the bottom you should find a “Request” button.
Once you are an approved customer you may use the order creation system, simply click on “Shop” in the navigation menu to get started.
Make sure to select your “order options” beneath each product so we know all the necessary details to complete your order.
When you are satisfied with your order simply click the “Cart” button and head to the order review & checkout page by clicking on “Complete order”.
If you are yet again satisfied, hit the “Place order” button after you’ve entered and double checked all the billing and delivery information.
Once customer service approves and completes the order you can rest assured that your products will arrive on time and in spec!
You can find a list of all your orders under “Orders” on the “My account” page.
You will be notified via email when your order is created, completed and if your account becomes authenticated.
100% Nuclear Medicine
Read more about Curium’s commitement to Nuclear Medicine and browse through our many resources at https://www.curiumpharma.com/resources/